Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 93, Week 14

I had another fun day today. I went to the gym this morning before class and then my mom came over to the house before school to have breakfast with us. My movie class was pretty boring at first because the teacher was just lecturing but then we started another movie and are going to finish it tomorrow. In my conversation class we talked about recipes and food and are planning to make guacamole on Wednesday! My lack of nap-taking has really taken a toll on me and I've been getting really tired during class. :( I had my mom hang out in the little library at my school with my computer during my classes but tomorrow she said she might come to my classes and check it out, so we'll see! After class we walked home and had lunch. I wanted to take her to the center of Guadalajara today so we took a bus to the center with Allison and went to the market called San Juan de Dios. It's a really big market full of vendors of all sorts. We finished our gift buying there and I was able to get some nice things that I've been wanting to buy. :) We spent a couple hours there and then I showed her the cathedral and we went inside to check it out a little bit. It's so beautiful inside with all the artwork and the architecture! Today is my friend David's birthday so we got invited to go have a drink with him and his friends so we were going to plan on doing that and we thought we knew which bar we were going to. But when we took a bus in the direction to where we thought it was, we called to get more directions and realized it was on the opposite side of town and then we weren't going to make it and also have dinner at home tonight too. So the three of us went to a little cantina and had a drink and some chips and salsa. Allison ended up going to the little party but mom and I took a bus home and had dinner. There's another party that's been planned for a while for David that is tomorrow, so I will be able to celebrate with him a little. We had a nice little dinner and then we watched some more of the movie I have for my class, but I was getting way too tired so mom went home. Overall, we've been having a great time together here and I'm so glad she was able to come visit me. :)


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