Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 87, Week 13

Oh Tuesday! I made it to the gym this morning with some small worries that I wasn't going to be able to breath on the elliptical from this wonderful cold or I'd be needing to blow my nose every 5 minutes. It was actually one of my best workouts despite everything! :) Cinema class was boring at first but then we started a movie with about 10 minutes left so we can finish it tomorrow and watch another on Thursday. Apparently we need to get in 2 movies before our midterms on Friday, so I won't complain. Let's just hope I will stay awake for them both. :) I've been telling my house mate that I think I have an small case of undiagnosed narcolepsy because I can hardly ever stay awake for a movie. In my second class, we got to sit outside in the sun today because it was too chilly in the room. It sure does heat up in the sun under a big umbrella though! We talked a lot about how we express our emotions and the gestures that we do in comparison to those that are used in Mexico and we also discussed some ways to give advice in different situations. It was a pretty good class I suppose. :) We have to prepare some presentations for Friday as our midterm, so she will be giving us a guide on how to do it tomorrow. I believe I will discuss the different kinds of music in Mexico. :) Sounds good to me! After class I came home for lunch and didn't do a whole lot until I decided to take a nap and rest my coughing lungs. That didn't work because I was unconsciously coughing the entire time. :( I really hope I get better soon! After I woke up I talked to my mom and some other friends for a while until dinner. We had some good ol' chicken nuggets and homemade potato chips! haha Allison and I walked to the pharmacy after dinner to get some things. I definitely needed some medicine for my cough and so I bought some! We walked back and I talked to Brian for a while before heading to bed. :)


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