Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 92, Week 14

Holy Moly Week 14 is here!

Today was a really fun day with my mom. :) We woke up early and started out for our fun shopping day. We took a bus to Tonalá which is a little town with a huge outdoor market. You can find clothes, homemade crafts, glass work, and whatever you can name there! It is so huge along the streets there that I think it might be impossible to get through it all in one day. It was so fun though and very successful! I almost completed my shopping for gifts that I needed and mom found some cool things too. While we were looking at some bracelets along the street, there was a bus driving by and some guy pulled out in front of him and the bus driver clipped the side of his car so we got to see an accident right in front of us! The driver got out and was irate at the bus driver who started walking down the stairs of his bus and the car driver basically pulled him out and was pulling his hair yelling at him. It was nuts! The people on the bus were yelling at the guy and they were all trying to keep the car driver sustained. The police quickly showed up but of course it stopped traffic which was already way backed up so the people were not too happy about that. Horns started honking and people were coming from all over to see what was going on. It was crazy because my mom and I were just talking about how I thought it was weird that I haven't heard of more accidents happening with the way people drive around here! We had lunch at a little restaurant that I went to the last time I was there and then we got a bus back to the center. I wasn't sure where it was going to take us, so I decided to get off relatively close to where I still knew where I was and then we found another bus that took us right behind my house. :)

We came to my house and I was sorting through all the new treasures we bought and started packing up a suitcase of things for mom to take back. I can't believe that will be me packing all my things at the end of next week already! Times sure has flown by! I did a little more homework while mom just hung out and then we started watching a movie for my class. We had a nice dinner, got full, and watched a little more of the movie but I was getting so tired so she went over to her house and I'm going to bed soon.


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