Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 79, Week 12

Today was a good day! I woke up somewhat early to go to the gym with Allison before class. It was freezing outside on the way there, but I had a good workout! We made perfect timing to get back, shower, have breakfast, and get to school. I think it was a little too close for my liking though, so we're going to try to shoot for a little earlier tomorrow morning. In my cinema class we watched a black and white romantic comedy from the 40's. I'll be honest, I did fall asleep for a couple minutes during the movie and it was so freezing in our classroom I had to leave to get a hot chocolate! I was awake for the rest of it though and it turned about pretty good. After every full movie that we watch we have to write a one page summary/analysis about it. That was pretty easy to do! In my conversation class we learned some tongue twisters and our teacher taught us how to say this town's name: Parangaricutirimícuaro! I'm still working on it so I can impress my Mexican friends. :) We had a little discussion about the drug problems in our countries and what our opinion was on the legalization of marijuana. We were all in the same boat, but it was difficult to talk about and especially in Spanish! But overall, it was a good day at school.

After school we had a nice lunch and we were going to visit the Señora that my mom will be staying with, but we still never made it there. Instead, I just hung out in my room and eventually took a nice nap all cuddled up in my bed. It's getting colder and colder all the time and with the whole house being tile, it doesn't help much. Jenny and I had plans to go to "Paranormal Activity 2" with David and anyone else that wanted to come. I told Eddy to come with us too, so it was us four that went after dinner. Oh man it was scary! I screamed quite a bit and I'm not a very big fan of scary movies either. I think it was a lot better than the first one too. Apparently, the plan in the making is to have a scary movie marathon at Eddy's on Thursday night, so we'll see if that happens or not!

Not sure what tomorrow brings, but I'm sure it'll be good.

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