Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 89, Week 13

I had a fun day today! I went to the gym before class and in my movie class I watched and independent Mexican movie that was really weird. Our teacher always makes us watch really weird movies that have really controversial topics in them, it's weird. In my second class we played a little game with new words and then talked about natural medicines and things like that. It was an ok class but my teacher's voice is so soft it puts me to sleep which is really bad since there's only 2 or 3 of us in the class! After school I came home and had lunch. Allison, Jenny, Tara, and I went with David to his college this afternoon to be a part of his presentation on the US. His group talked about cultural standards, etiquette, etc. so us girls were like a panel for his classmates to ask us any questions, but they were mostly about our experience with Mexico thus far. It was really fun and I'm glad we got the opportunity to see his campus and be a part of his presentation too. :) We were there for a couple hours and then he brought us home. Dinner was ready when I got home and for dessert we got cooked butternut squash with a brown sugar sauce on it. It was really good but so sweet that I couldn't finish all that my host-mom gave me. Tonight I worked on my presentation that I have to give for my conversation class tomorrow and then on my research paper for my movie class. I'm so excited because my mom is coming tomorrow! I'm leaving my conversation class early to catch a taxi to the airport to meet her. :) She's getting in at 3 and I can't wait! We're going to have such a fun time together down here!


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