Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 17, Week 3

I had a great day today! :)

Except for the fact that I woke up early to take a shower and waited for 15 minutes to get warm water, which never arrived. But school was nice, it rained really hard during my first class but then the rest of the day was pretty decent. I had a hot chocolate today from the little store in our school. Oh my goodness was it good! They add cinnamon to it and it just makes for the perfect combination.

After school we had lunch and then I met up with my friends Jenny, Tara, and Annina at the big fountain here and then we took a bus to meet our friend Diego from last weekend. He drove us to Las Plazas Outlet Mall. It was a really nice mall, but it wasn't anything like the outlet malls in America, as far as discounted prices go. There really wasn't anything I was willing to spend almost the full price on. It was a good experience though. He brought us back to a bus stop and we took the bus back to the fountain and then I took another taxi back to my road. It's a great experience to ride on the buses with the locals. There were people selling music, playing music, and selling different ointments that supposedly were to cure EVERYTHING!

Dinner tonight was little but tasty. We had a hunk of mozzarella cheese with a cilantro sauce on it and then bruschetta. Since our mom grew up in Italy she makes wonderful Italian food. :) (Works out nice!)

My new friends from last weekend, along with my other friends from school, and I are planning some festivities in the upcoming days so I'm pretty excited! It's great to have Mexican friends, huh? ;)

Tomorrow we are visiting a hospital to volunteer like we did at the orphanage. That should be pretty fun.

Buenas noches,

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