Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 9, Week 2

Today was pretty awesome. In class we did more reviewing of didn't tense of the verbs and talked with my teacher about the quinceƱeras (15th birthday party) which was pretty interesting. :)

We came home and had a good lunch and just hung out for the afternoon. I did my homework and talked to some friends and also looked up more about a trip to Cancun. I'm thinking I'm going to go the weekend of my 21st birthday in October. Mom told me her and Dad would pay for the trip as my birthday present, so I'm really excited about that! ;)

My roommate and I went to the gym tonight for the kickboxing class and it definitely kicked MY BUTT! It was so fun though, and I think it's so great we can be involved with the locals at the gym. What great immersion, right? I think we are going to try to go more classes throughout the week. It will be a little difficult with the volunteer program at the orphanage because they are at the same time. We will see!

Dinner was pretty simple and when we were almost done, someone came to the door and was like "Well I see other Americans in here." It turns out, it was a guy who lived in my house here 3 years ago and is from MSU-Mankato! My mama told me about him, but it was cool to meet him too! He sat down and told us so many stories and different advice about where to go and whatnot.

Meanwhile, another man showed up at the door with our freshly washed, dryed, and folded clothes! We get all our dirty laundry together, they come pick it up and clean it for us, and bring it back so perfectly folded for 68 pesos, which is around $5. :)

We seriously don't have to do anything around here and it's so crazy to think that. We get our laundry serviced, 3 meals a day, hardly any homework, our room picked up (somewhat), and awesome host parents to live with! What a rough life, huh? :P

Buenas noches!

1 comment:

  1. Your days just sound more fun as they go along! I am so happy you are having a great time there. Love you! Momma
