Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 3, Week 1

Hola! Today was a good first day of classes. I woke up and had breakfast and headed to school to figure out which rooms my classes were in. I am in a level 5 (out of 10) class at 9-10:40 and then a level 6 class from 11-12:40. They were both pretty easy today, just introductions and stuff. I have 7-8 people in both classes who are from all over the world. There are 2 guys and a girl from Japan, one guy from Korea, a guy and a girl from London, a girl from Germany, a girl from France, and two of us from the US. I think it's so cool to have people from all over the world speaking a language that is different from their native language. :)

I signed up to be in a latin dance workshop and a latin song/guitar workshop so hopefully they will have enough people for those to take place. The orphanage volunteer program doesn't start until Thursday, so I was kinda bummed about that but it will come soon.

After school, we came home to have lunch which was great! Alfredo spaghetti, zucchini, homemade BBQ chicken, and amazing pineapple. :)

Of course after lunch it's time for a siesta, so I went outside on top of the building behind our house and laid out for a little while. It gets pretty warm quickly though. Our friend down the street came over and we all walked to the Waldo's Mart dollar store to get a few things. We stopped at a little general store to get a pop and sat on the steps outside to drink it. I bet I had 5 guys drop by or walk by the store that either whistled, said good afternoon, or just smiled at me. It's pretty funny being down here.

Oh, and there are Volkswagen Beetles EVERYWHERE! It's so funny, I did not think they were going to be very popular!

After being pretty bored just sitting around tonight, we finally got some dinner around 8. We had a chicken soup, salad, bread, mixed fruit, and I had a beef taco. Ooh! Was it ever good. It's just going to take me a while to adjust to the eating schedules. We have lunch after school around 1 and then don't have dinner until 8. But oh well!

P.S. I gave my mama the MSU rug I bought for her and she loved it! :)

If there is anything you should need my address for, please use this one using FedEx or DHL:

Whitney Madison
Centro de Estudios para Extranjeros-CEPE
Universidad de Guadalajara
Tomás V. Gómez 125
Col. Ladrón de Guevara C.P. 44600
Guadalajara, Jalisco

It was like 82 degrees today, so perfect again today!


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